-- Script type: Module -- Writen by github.com/Limesey, @Norbunny on Roblox. -- services local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService") local function getDate() local date = os.date("!*t") local str = string.format("%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s.000Z", date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.min, date.sec) return str end local function rgbToDec(rgb) local rgbTotal = rgb.R * 65536 + rgb.G * 256 + rgb.B return rgbTotal end local module = {} -- Your webhook's URL module.webhookUrl = "" function module.newMessage(message) message = message local content = { ["content"] = message, ["embeds"] = {} } function content.addEmbed(title, description) local embed = { ["title"] = title, ["description"] = description, ["color"] = 0, ["fields"] = {}, ["thumbnail"] = { ["url" ]= "" }, ["image"] = { ["url"] = "" }, ["author"] = { ["name"] = "", ["url"] = "", ["icon_url"] = "" }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "", ["icon_url"] = "" }, ["timestamp"] = "" --"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSSZ" } table.insert(content.embeds, embed) function embed.setColor(rgb) embed.color = rgbToDec(rgb) end function embed.addField(name, value, inline) if(not name or not value) then error("Name and value can not be nil") end inline = inline or false local field = { ["name"] = name, ["value"] = value, ["inline"] = inline } table.insert(embed.fields, field) return field end function embed.setAuthor(name, url, icon_url) if(not name and icon_url) then error("Name can not be nil") end embed.author.name = name embed.author.url = url embed.author.icon_url = icon_url end function embed.setThumbnail(url) if(not url) then error("URL can not be nil") end embed.thumbnail.url = url end function embed.setImage(url) if(not url) then error("URL can not be nil") end embed.image.url = url end function embed.setFooter(text, url) if(not text) then error("Text can not be nil!") end embed.footer.text = text embed.footer.icon_url = url end function embed.setTimestamp() embed.timestamp = getDate() end return embed end return content end function module:send(content) content = httpService:JSONEncode(content) local success, data = pcall(function() return httpService:PostAsync(module.webhookUrl, content) end) return success, data end return module